HARUNA Vocal & Guitar / 1988.08.10生まれ A型
MAMI Guitar & Vocal / 1990.05.21生まれ AB型
TOMOMI Bass & Vocal / 1990.05.31生まれ A型
RINA Drums & Vocal / 1991.08.21生まれ B型


HARUNA Vocal & Guitar Birthday Aug 10 1988 Blood Type A
MAMI Guitar& Vocal Birthday May 21 1990 Blood Type AB
TOMOMI Bass & Vocal Birthday May 31 1990 Blood Type A
RINA Drums & Vocal Birthday Aug 21 1991 Blood Type B

SCANDAL was formed in August, 2006 with four high school girls who went to the same vocal & dance school in Osaka, Japan. They started performing as SCANDAL with aggressive sounds with pop characters. After it was formed, they often performed on the street of they called Shiroten in Osaka Castle Park. After a while, they started performing at the live house in Kansan area.In March 2008, they were invited to Japanese culture convention Sakura-Con in Seattle, and they went around six cities in the U.S to see over 7,000 fans of them. In July 2008, they generated 10,000 people to Japan Expo in France and 8,000 to Anime Comic Fes in Hong Kong in August. In October 2008, they released “DOLL” as their debut single. “DOLL” was rewarded for Power Play from over 40 FM/AM/CS radio stations in Japan. In June 2009, they released their 3rd single “Shoujo S”, and it was ranked 6th in the first week on Oricon chart, and 5th on Reco-choku Chakuuta Full (Full digital download provider) weekly chart. On October 21st, they released their first album “BEST★SCANDAL” and ranked 5th on Oricon chart in their first week of the release. For the girls band’s album to be awarded within 5th in their first week of the release was the first time in 7 years and a half. In 2009, they were rewarded for New Face Award from Japan Record Award. - New Artist Their 7th single “Shunkan Sentimental” a tie-in song with the smash-hit animation series “FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST”, has again scored high on the charts. #7 on ORICON and #4 on the Reco-choku full (full track download) chart. They released their 2nd album “TEMPTATION BOX” in August 2010, and this was awarded 3rd place on Oricon daily chart. In October, “Scandal nanka Buttobase” was released, and awarded 3rd place on Oricon weekly chart, the highest ranking on Oricon weekly in their history ever. In April 2011, single “HARUKA” was released and it also ranked #3. In August 2011, their 3rd original album “BABY ACTION” was released, followed by “VIDEO ACTION”, 1st video clip collection DVD. They also went on Asia tour, first tour outside Japan, and gathered 2,500 audiences from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In March 28 2012, SCANDAL held the concert in Nippon Budokan, one of the high status venues in Japan. The band released a single “Taiyou Scandalous” in July 2012, and charted No.2 at Oricon weekly ranking. SCANDAL will be releasing a new single “Pinheel Surfer” and eagerly-awaited 4th album “Queens are trumps- Kirihuda Wa Queen-” on Sept.26.On March 3 2013, SCANDAL will be performing at Osaka Castle Hall, a venue with a capacity of 16000 people which they’ve ever dreamed of for a long time. The band will be performing in Malaysia on December 2012 for the first time. We can expect their activities more in the near future!

HARUNA Vocal & Guitar / 1988.08.10出生 A型
MAMI Guitar & Vocal / 1990.05.21出生 AB型
TOMOMI Bass & Vocal / 1990.05.31出生 A型
RINA Drums & Vocal / 1991.08.21出生 B型

2006年8月,由大阪的歌唱舞蹈學校相識的女子高中生4人組成。她們不經太多修飾且攻擊性十足的搖滾樂團樂風,加上不畏天高地厚的鮮明個性,展開各項音樂活動。樂團成軍不久,立刻在大阪的大阪城公園舉行街頭表演,同時活躍於大阪的各大live house。2008年3月,受邀參加美國西雅圖舉行日本文化節「Sakura-Con」,在美國6大都市展開史無前例的巡演,寫下動員約7千人的紀錄。同年7月她們參加法國大型日本流行文化活動「Japan Expo」在萬人面前表演,8月則造訪香港參加香港動漫電玩節讓8千名觀眾為之驚艷,於是開始受到各國的矚目。10月她們發行單曲「DOLL」正式進軍主流樂壇,該曲拿下40家電台的強力播送。

2009年6月發行第3張單曲「少女S」搭配動畫【死神 BLEACH】片頭曲,勇奪公信榜第6名,並在手機下載排行榜拿下第5名的佳績!同年10月21日發行首張專輯『BEST★SCANDAL』空降專輯榜第5名,睽違7年半再寫女子樂團首周打入前5名的紀錄,並且獲得2009年日本唱片大賞新人獎,成績亮眼。第7張單曲「傷感瞬間」搭配人氣動畫「鋼之鍊金術師」主題曲拿下第7名,以及手機下載排行榜第4名佳績。

2010年8月推出第二張專輯『TEMPTATION BOX』更空降日本公信榜第3名。在積極展開各項音樂活動的同時,10月推出的單曲「踢飛八卦」拿下公信榜單曲榜第3名,可說是實至名歸的當紅樂團。

2011年4月發行單曲「HARUKA」,這首歌也是首周進榜就站上第3名。同年8月推出第3張專輯『BABY ACTION』,以及首張音樂錄影帶精選DVD「VIDEO ACTION」。同時她們展開亞洲巡迴演唱會,先後造訪台灣、香港、新加坡,吸引了2500位觀眾到場欣賞。

2012年3月終於在演唱會聖地的日本武道館完成公演。7月推出單曲「太陽scandalous」,拿下單曲榜第2名的佳績。9月12日推出單曲「Pin Heel Surfer」,萬眾矚目的第4張專輯「Queens are trumps -皇后王牌-」在9月26日發行。2013年3月3日更將凱旋返鄉,在可容納16000人的大阪城HALL舉辦演唱會。