
2014年開催の国内最大規模オーディション「LINE オーディション」応募者125,094組の中から
ファイナリスト8組に選出され注目を集める。結成当初より5人全員によるセルフプロデュースを主軸に活動、その高いパフォーマンス能力を武器にライブ会場も赤坂BLITZやZEPP TOKYOなど経て着実にファンを増やし、「Made in FlowBack」を標榜として今後クリエイティブされる作品に期待が高まっている。

FlowBack was formed in November, 2013 with five guys. They started performing as FlowBack with cool sounds with poppy characters. In 2014, They tried out an audition called LINE Audition that is the biggest audition in Japan.  They were chosen from 125,094 candidates as a finalist of 8 artists, which was attracting the most attention.  They produce their own music, choreography and costumes. We can expect their activities more in the near future!